New spokesperson at DB Cargo Polska

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Current information about DB Cargo Polska

Article: New spokesperson at DB Cargo Polska

As of February, Andrzej Wyszyński will take over the position of spokesperson. He will replace Katarzyna Marciniak, who was appointed to the function of the Management Board Member of DB Cargo Polska by the Supervisory Board as of 1 January.

(Zabrze, 31 January 2022) Andrzej Wyszyński is a graduate of the University of Economics in Katowice, where he also completed postgraduate studies with specialisation in Public Relations. He has been gaining his professional experience in the field of communication and marketing since 2001 working for the Górnośląski Zakład Energetyczny and then for Vattenfall Distribution Poland where, holding specialist and managerial positions, he was responsible for the company's internal and external communication policy. 

He has been a part of the DB Cargo Polska Group since 2009. From the very beginning as a Communications Team Leader he has been carrying out and coordinating marketing, promotion and internal communication tasks within the group. As Spokesperson he will also be responsible for shaping the external communication policy in contact with the media.